![SCCL Publications](https://publications.sccl.se/public/journals/1/homepageImage_sv.jpg)
About SCCL:s publications
Researchers affiliated with SCCL publish their research results in a large number of articles and research reports. The ambition is that as much as possible of what is published by these researchers and by speakers at seminars and conferences organised by SCCL will also be available in open access at SCCL (https://publications.sccl.se). However, depending on circumstances and agreements with publishers, this may not take place until some time after the original publication.
With the consent of authors and other holders of rights, we have initially digitalised and made available most of what has been published in the books published by SCCL since 2008. This initially comprises 256 articles written by researchers affiliated with SCCL. Gradually the number of digitally available articles will increase.
The search function in the menu above makes it possible to search for articles both in free text and by author or by the book in which the article was originally published. On the page “Authors” there is a list of all the authors of the articles that have been digitalised and on the page “Books” there is a list of the books that have been digitalised.
In addition to digitalisation and making research results available on the website, SCCL will continue to publish books in SCCL’s publication series. This includes the SCCL Yearbook, anthologies with contributions to specific conferences and separate publications. Together with the publication series, SCCL also publishes festschrifts related to persons active at SCCL.
SCCL has an extensive library on its own premises, which was started through a donation from the late Professor Jan Hellner and through the takeover of the Library of the Institute for Company and Securities Law. The library has since been expanded through various extensive donations.
Since 2024, the Axel Ax:son Johnson Institute for Maritime and Other Transport Law is included as a research panel at SCCL https://sccl.se/forskningsavdelningar/. The Institute for Maritime Law has an extensive physical library located on SCCL’s premises, as well as a digital library available on its website https://www.sjorattsbiblioteket.se/om-institutet.
Current Issue
Mårten Schultz, Johanna Karlevik och Patryk Sapa
Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law (Centret) är ett forskningscentrum vid juridiska fakulteten, Stockholms universitet, som samlar forskare och andra som i vid bemärkelse ägnar sig åt kommersiell rätt.
Genom en serie med årsböcker har Centret under ett flertal år samlat uppsatser och artiklar som dess medarbetare publicerat under året. Syftet med årsböckerna är att utgöra ett skyltfönster för de texter som vi på Centret publicerar.
Årets årsbok återspeglar på flera sätt hur verksamheten har utvecklats. Som medredaktörer har jag två nya doktorander och bland bidragen återfinns nya författare som flyttat in i våra lokaler ovanför universitetsbiblioteket i Frescati.
2022 har på olika sätt inneburit en nystart för Centret. Covid-19-pandemin omöjliggjorde under en period att ha fysiska seminarier inom ramen för de forskningspaneler som utgör ryggraden i vårt utåtriktade arbete. Dessa begränsningar slipper vi nu. Åtskilliga seminarier och konferenser planeras när detta skrivs. Forskningspanelerna har vidare genomgått en utvärderingsprocess som förhoppningsvis kommer att leda till en revitalisering. Det finns all anledning att se på 2023 med tillförsikt.
Advokatvännernas uppsatsstipendium i kommersiell rätt (SCCL-priset) år 2021 tilldelades Christopher Spreigl för hans examensuppsats vid Juridiska fakulteten, Stockholms universitet.
Vi riktar ett varmt tack till Olle Hed på Jure Förlag samt medarbetarna på eddy.se för ett gott samarbete med dessa årsböcker.
Oxford i december 2022
Mårten Schultz