MiCA is Coming – Are You Ready?

Some Comments on the Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation from a Swedish Perspective


  • Kelly Chen Författare


The Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) regulation, which establishes a comprehensive regulatory framework for crypto assets in the EU, has reached the final stages of the legislative process. In October 2022, the Council expressed its intention to endorse the final comprise text of the regulation for agreement. Under the MiCA-regime, the classification, issuance, trading, exchange, and custody of crypto assets will be regulated across the EU. The regime will change the legal landscape for the crypto asset industry in the EU in a fundamental way. It has been claimed that this landmark regulation will put an end to the crypto wild west and confirms the EU’s role as a standard-setter for digital topics. Most likely, once MiCA is in place, EU would indeed take a leading position in the regulation of crypto space at the global level.






Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law Årsbok XIV