General Background of the Seminar


  • Jan Kleineman Författare
  • Lars Gorton Författare


Combating money laundering has increasingly become important both on regional and international levels. Combating money laundering in many cases conflicts with the rules concerning bank confidentiality. Bank confidentiality is recognized to various degrees in different jurisdictions, but these rules in many jurisdictions are often softened in favour of the rules regarding combating money laundering. The background to this particular seminar as arranged by the Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law is to put money laundering into a general financial perspective, although not particularly considering the rules on bank secrecy. We have made an effort to present the exposure of various trades to the rules concerning money laundering. 
The question of combating money laundering thus is not a national question, nor even a European question, but has an international (some would say global) impact. It is also tied to the question of terrorist financing, another angle left out here as a point of discussion at this seminar. The choice was made to focus on the particular rules that have been gradually introduced in order to combat money laundering.






Money Laundering

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