Words, drafting and the law


  • Lars Gorton Författare


Some introductory remarks Hans Jacob Bull has for many years performed various functions at the Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law (NIFS), University of Oslo, having served as director of the Institute for a considerable period. His primary fields of research have been maritime law including, above all, marine insurance law. Particularly in the case of maritime law, we have a common interest, and over the years our various interests have coincided at a number of points. One such point lies at the intersection of maritime law, sales law, insurance law and the law related to payments and financial undertakings.
Since Hans Jacob will shortly retire from his position at NIFS and the university, it has been decided that this volume of Simply will be in his honour, and I am very happy to have been allowed to participate with a small contribution. My choice of topic is neither maritime law nor insurance law, but rather a spectrum of legal questions that may arise in connection with the use of various words that are to some extent found in, and in relation to, insurance. These various words are, however, more commonly related to various payment undertakings and types of financial security and their respective relationships with the underlying contract.






Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law Årsbok III

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